The Gravitational Raven
Written on the last day of the gravitational wave astronomy summer
school organized by University of Texas at Brownsville CGWA on South
Padres Island
Once upon a midnight dreary,
While I pondered, weak and weary,
How to spend my month of June,
I recieved an invitation
To a humid, hot location,
There to turn into a prune.
I arrived in Southern Texas,
Which has come to be the nexus
Of a grave depravity:
A crowd of students, looking shabby
Tried to hail a frightened cabby;
"Is it measles, mumps or rabies?!"
They responded: "Gravity!"
To the land of Pancho Villa!
There I will pour tequila
In my ventral cavity,
And my sorrows I will drown...
But the drink would not stay down!
"Why?" - I querried with a frown.
Rick responded: "Gravity!"
Bright and early every morning
I would rise to listen, fawning,
As with rare levity
Cole Miller would expound
Mysteries of sight and sound.
What makes binaries go 'round?
Cole thundered: "Gravity!"
"Hey, what is that loud noise?" -
Peter Saulson asks with poise
In a voice of gravity -
"LIGO curves will show a smear!"
...Too much Powerpoint! I hear
Sleepy student falling near!
Why? Because of gravity!
Since his code crashed too soon,
Don Miguel displayed cartoons
That were not to scale.
Then Curt Cutler topped it off
By discussing roundoff:
Do not at small signals scoff!
Gravity shall prevail!!!
-South Padre Island, June 24, 2005